As two transgender women we noticed that there is a huge lack of support and help available for our community . This was highlighted over a period of time, spurring us on to start this project .It is our aim to set up and run a help forum, which in time will expand to include a helpline as well. We are here to support, educate and help in all matters relating to the trans-world .
LGBTransaction provides a comprehensive program of support for trans people, their familes and friends requiring advice and information concerning gender identity and related issues, whilst raising awareness to promote the equality of the transgender community.
Who we are here to help:
- People who consider themselves to be trans: transgender, gender variant, gender queer ,cross dresser, transvestite or any other non-binary gender identity.
- People who don’t identify with the gender they were assigned at birth, or those who are unsure, or questioning.
- We also provide support and information for significant others, friends, families and allies.
We provide assistance to professionals who are supporting trans individuals.
We provide training and awareness to companies and other organisations wishing to up-skill their staff and volunteers around transgender issues and diversity training.
- We offer a consultancy service, and are available to speak publicly at events surrounding the issues of work place policies and diversity training.

Meet Shirley
email :
07769 731136 Shirley
Twitter : @lgbtransaction
facebook : lgbtransaction